Beautiful Losers
Beautiful losers is a documentary film that follows the origins and experiences of several artists from the early 1990´s from different art disciplines and cities in the US, many of them were and are still famous and have achieved success in the art, film and advertising industries. The film explores mainly their early struggles, their take on life and art and how the became grown-ups.
Beautiful losers is a refreshing view on art and life and one of the ideas that is worth sharing is that art is not created solely to be shown at a gallery and judged, but a process of inner discovery and the development of an idea, based mostly on personal experiences. You don´t have to create art to indulge someone or a group of people, you create it because you love it, not because you have to. You experience life and art becomes a consequence, not the reason.
Not many people or even artists would understand or care what these artists are saying, and it doesn’t matter as long as the right people get it. The art of creation even when is not perfect is more valuable that copying like a robot, the process of thinking and observing, of living, as the opposite to overthinking and creating soulless artwork just to sell.
Not trying to romanticize or write an academic analysis on this film, it´s a good sample of a view of the 1990´s generation that tried to recover freedom for art, exploring the outside layers of the traditional view of Gallery Art, through new media and techniques, and trying to integrate it into mainstream media such as advertising, film and international galleries.
The film might seem plain, with simple ideas and humble artists creating elementary art, but it sends a very powerful message for creators. You can watch it here: Beautiful Losers.
Create with freedom.