DMCA Disclaimer
The digital content of our website is protected by The Digital Millennium Copyright Act referred as DMCA to avoid the illegal use of our texts and images in a Global context.
The publication or reuse of our content represents copyright infringement and is not allowed except when is specified in written by one of our representatives. Every web page, product image, gallery, graphic element of our website, blog text, or any other text is verified by this Act, under U.S. Law. We use the DMCA services to avoid content plagiarism, image watermarking and website take downs when necessary.
All images published in our website such as banners, pictures, posts and pages, are intellectual property of Sanxez Art Gallery, and are produced by us, we don´t use images that we do not create. Copy or reuse of any photo or picture is forbidden, except when permission from the gallery is given in writing.
Some of the images published on the Store section belong to their respective creators, specifically for the posters´ products, being these, authorized lithographic reproductions of the originals or unlikely to be protected by copyright interests and are in the public domain.
We have two types of royalties: 1) The fees generated by the use or reproduction of our artwork in different media, for which if you are an editor, artist, business or organization interested in using some of our artwork you need to ask for the list of fees related to media and formats at
2) The fees generated by the resell or transfer of rights of ownership of particular pieces, mostly for big formats, more complex and valuable items, or NFT´s, in this case it is clearly stated when you are about to purchase a piece or is intrinsic to the process or resale such as transferring a NFT.
Artworks Authenticity
Higher price artworks are engraved with a QR image that contains a blockchain code as a proof of authenticity. This code lasts forever, and as long as the engraving remains intact, every artwork will maintain its value. Anyone with a smart phone can scan the QR code to check the authenticity of the piece, anywhere in the world. Along this code, the owner receives an authenticity certificate stating original ownership of the piece. To read more about our authentication process please go to the section Authenticity.
We comply with copyright and trade international laws and try, to our knowledge, to comply with local copyright laws when possible. We sign contracts for specific pieces, being these, higher price or specific content artworks.
For particular tax information for investors and buyers please contact us at for specific details. If some of our images are not in compliance with your local laws and we are in any type of collaboration, please send an email to so we can review the matter.